There's always sometimes when you try so hard to impersonate and copy other's act, thought, interest and be like them just to please their needs and make them like you.I'm not saying that its not a good thing to do because sometimes u might be influenced by other's positive energy and turn into a good soul, but if you get the wrong idea of it, well then'll be considered a 'fallen' to me(well by my standards anyway). I felt pity for those who actually bully the other weaker and smaller guys in the school just to prove that they're macho or cool or something. Well for my opinion , they're just a bunch of brainless ,rotten rubbish, TRASH!!!!!!! There's one small "tough guy" who just randomly picked a fight with me .He grabbed my uniform's collar with one of his decayed and deformed hand and point right at my face with the other. I was furious but i simply just pushed IT away and when i was trying to walk away from it , he was possessed!!!!!! He started to throw a bunch of his "rubbish" words and wanted to fight with me!!!
He was small and ......nt that scary actually. Well i was preparing myself to dodge his punch and put up a fight with him but........I was in the school!!!!! Well i've a clean record in my school and I'd like to keep it that way. Thank goodness his pals pulled him backward and try to cool him down, which is the right thing to do. I've a bro who's coincedentally the head prefect in my school and i don't really want to disappoint him. Well i just quickly pick up my pace and again , trying to walk away from that @#$%#!!! My 6-foot-tall friend, Jake, who was standing beside me all the time, walk along with me and we started to talk about that stupid guy . He was making fun of that guy by comparing him to some kinda animal( i think he looks like a hamster, only with glasses)and discussing how we're going to take him down if we really got into the fight. He really is a jovial character and know just the right words( well theoretically his best weopon) to put a smile on your face. To cut it short ,that dump spoiled my mood that day. And one of his pals is actually a friend i USED TO KNOW. He was a little mischevious and kinda fell-free-to-do-everything before. I thought it's normal for a guy at my age bt he got worsen and turn into a wanton. He started smoking, gambling and skipping classes just to HANG OUT with his gang.............
To be continue
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
I am not 6-feet tall! Wait, do girls like taller guys? Yes! Yes! YES! I'm 6-feet tall!
Wad the................
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