Yes, I know... the tittle may scare off some of you ppl but don't's okay.......Actually this post has nothing to do with horror movies or scary the matter of fact, it's just a sad, sad story about the other species which I hated most on this planet( you'll find it out later).
Okay. Here's the thing. We all like and hope that our home sweet home would always be clean , tidy and nonetheless SPECTACULAR rite??? Like myself, I've been a perfectionist all the time, practicing good hygience and all, making sure that there's not a single dust on my properties(what??? I'm not feminine.......I just wanna stay away from H1N1....). But then, one day ,unfortunately, U came.............
You never tell me your name. You said that brown and black was ur favourite colour and so u always dressed in these colour. You were diligent in your work, staying up all night and do your job. You look at me with a soulful eye. You beg me to let you go. But how could I??? Afterall that you've been done to her room!!!!
Then,I could see you grinning from ear to ear. "Haha , well then, catch me if you can ", u said , in an almost inaudible voice. You like to play huh?? Okay , game's on mate. I chased, U ran.
It continued for almost an hour. You were good!!!But not as good as me. I hide myself in the darkest shadow, waiting, waiting for u to show up. As I predicted , U did.............
"Jie jie!!!! I've killed it !!!! You can come back in now!!!!" I shouted. My sis stepped into her room , looking down at a dead cockroach and shriek. She wants me to take it out and asked me to burn it to ashes( I like that it die .....painfully and glowing.....isn't that great???)
I picked it up from the pool of cockroach's juice........and did exactly the same thing she asked.
I wasn't going to mourn and feel pity for you low-life!!!! Homo sapiens were the greatest species of all!!!!!This post is for all of U cockroaches on this planet!!!! If you tried to invade my home again, you'll be the next species that extinct, even earlier than whales and rhinos..........mark my word.......................I'll cut off one of ur legs( coz u hav six of 'em) squize the juice out of it........every last drop of it.........and make u drink it.......hahahhaa.......*voice fading*..........
NOTE: This post contain an extremely violent content and read it only if you're above 3 .And I
was planning to use cocks to replace cockroaches coz it's simpler......but I hav 1 too, so I
had to drop that idea(Darn).
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
It's hard to get cockroaches extinct, they've been here before the dinosaurs.
U sure dun hav sense of humour......
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