After all these boring and dead Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday...*ho-hum*. Sunday was the long-awaited day for a guy like me!!!!!! And how to spend my whole sunny Sunday was the most important task ever .I usually spend entire Saturday night thinking bout what should I do that day.
Flour that hadn't been identified whether it had been expired or nt........and the middle of preparing bloodish red sauce

(Sugar, Flour , Sauce and anything that's edible( stealing lines from Powerpuff girls........!!))
WORM-LIKE SPAGHETTI HAHAHAHA*evil laughs*!!!gonna give it to Snow White....
After planning the perfect Sunday schedule painstakingly, i decided to hold an after school meeting and go to watch a movie or so at night. And there I was, happy and jumping around like a hippie after getting a stimulating drug( well it could happened the night before.....), proud of the mission I've accomplished.......But I was so wrong( again).........The meeting had to be cancelled because my stupid assistance forgot to tell my members about the meeting........Nobody's going to stay at school after class.......And the worst thing is, I've told my bro to pick me up at 4..........WHAT THE F***!!!!!!!
Just when i thought all hopes gone.........My savior arrived!!!!!I can see a beacon of hope shined upon me!!!!! My friend best friend in the world, Jake( again) said that I can stop by his shop and ask my bro to pick me up there.......It was a brilliant idea!!!!! After all, I didn't finish watching "Heroes" season 2 yet( he saved that series in his laptop.....LAPTOP IS THE MOST BRILLIANT TECH IN THE WORLD!!!!!!)
Well we reached his shop and we have a little chit-chat (with his parents). They were both hilarious and cool( a little too funny..........)I was glad I had a chance to stop by his shop again since its been a long long time i pay them a visit.........Well we had a blast talking bout family stuff .......Well i was going to go see them before they moved to SP and today was a perfect timing!!!!!!I'm so glad that meeting had to be cancelled. Well we watched the ''Simpson''(he forced me to and the movie was so fuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyy!!!) and ''Heroes''(cool........). I like catching up with my friends and to appreciate every single one of them when I still have the chance to do so.......(Well I'm starting to do that from now on.....)
I headed home at about 5 ( My bro's always late) and my parents' coming home today from the trip i was talking bout AND my bro's planning to make a special spaghetti dish as a homecoming papa won RM 10,000 at Genting and he's in a delirious your blood pressure pap!!!!!!And so I helped cutting the veges and he prepared the spaghetti(I'm wondering if its even edible......) and the sauce( which taste like mineral water coz it's so mild....I'm exaggerating.....actually it's quite good.....)He said something bout the carrots i cut was too big in size and it's too hard when eating it......BLAH BLAH BLAH...........Hahaha. We watched Prison Break later and ........that's the perfect Sunday I've ever had!!!!!!!
(Sugar, Flour , Sauce and anything that's edible( stealing lines from Powerpuff girls........!!))
I Luv my life!!!!!!!
Hahaha... What the heck!?
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