I was sitting in front of my computer and thinking about what to write. And all I could do is smile. A little over a week ago, I was again lying on my bed and daydreaming as I usually did. Things have been a little hectic since the beginning of the holiday. And there I was, drooling all over my pillow and imagining the impossible--that I've scored flying colours in my year-end exam. And then all of the sudden, I've heard a deafening scream coming from the kitchen.
I dashed out of my room and saw my mum standing rooted to the ground!! Judging from the negative aura she was emitting and her unfriendly facial expression, I could know almost immediately that something bad was going to happen!! Yes, it was a very bad news indeed!!
It was my relatives from Cameron Highland. They're coming down from heaven to this god forsaken land of Kedah, Alor Star( seriously!!! I couldn't even watch Twilight at Kedah!!! Sucks!!)and staying for the night. You know my mum, she's the typical type of person who is such a perfectionist and, unfortunately, my house was in a misery state. So , guess what happened next?? Yes, I was damned to clean up my house in less than thirty minutes with my assistant, my sis.
The next thing I knew, we were all putting on our costumes and prepared to go all out and battle with the dirt!!!( My sis was slipping in an apron , my mum was holding a duster and something that looked like Phua Chu Kang's hair. And me? I was topless, with a mopping stick in my hand and a pail of water). I mean, it was so surprising and sudden that it caught all of us off guard. Yea ...I have to bathe twice that NIGHT!!! Well what could I say??
Anyway, I just wanna share with you guys this story that I thought was funny. I am going to KL and staying with my sister for a whole week till 1st Jan. I am really looking forward to this exciting adventure and , finally, celebrating my Christmas in style!!!(Shopping for cool outfits involved!!! )
Happy C'mas to u guys and Merry Christmas!!!
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
You are cleaning... Topless... I'm scared...
what doya mean??
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