"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life ......for me~~~~And I'feeling.......GOOD~~~~"
lyrics from "Feeling Good" --Michael Buble
I know right......It's like a moment earlier, you can still make fun of your friends who are sitting for SPM and lying on your bed and thinking that it's still far from you stepping into their shoes, and now.....You can't even laugh out loud anymore....
Thinking back what you've done last year, have you achieved anything that you're proud of? Did you really make the most out of any seconds that were now long gone forever? Can you really be proud of what you have done? But whatever it is that you 've chose and done, you can't turn back the time and it is what it is. You can't undo the mistakes you've done like Zac Efron did in that movie. You will never be 16 again!!( In my case....) It's a crucial fact!! But there's a good side of it. It gives you a chance to learn from your mistakes. It is a part of growth. You've to put everything behind you and move on. This is life.Don't look back!!!(unless I left my LG's album in a public toilet......I'll definitely turn back!!!)
So...embrace yourself for a new chapter of your life and live it to the fullest. Try to think more of your future and plan it well. Change your shi**y attitude that you've put on before or use deodorant if you've been complained about your bad odor!!!Be a better human being to make the world a better place.
Oh.....and if you wanna know wad's my new year wishes are....I'll tell you.....one of them is to be 16 again.......;D
Happy New Year to all and Merry Christmas!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Spoiler of 17 again......(16 again)
Posted by DamienKok at 3:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Damienish
Friday, December 18, 2009
(+.+) ------>!!!!!Adventures!!!!!
I was sitting in front of my computer and thinking about what to write. And all I could do is smile. A little over a week ago, I was again lying on my bed and daydreaming as I usually did. Things have been a little hectic since the beginning of the holiday. And there I was, drooling all over my pillow and imagining the impossible--that I've scored flying colours in my year-end exam. And then all of the sudden, I've heard a deafening scream coming from the kitchen.
I dashed out of my room and saw my mum standing rooted to the ground!! Judging from the negative aura she was emitting and her unfriendly facial expression, I could know almost immediately that something bad was going to happen!! Yes, it was a very bad news indeed!!
It was my relatives from Cameron Highland. They're coming down from heaven to this god forsaken land of Kedah, Alor Star( seriously!!! I couldn't even watch Twilight at Kedah!!! Sucks!!)and staying for the night. You know my mum, she's the typical type of person who is such a perfectionist and, unfortunately, my house was in a misery state. So , guess what happened next?? Yes, I was damned to clean up my house in less than thirty minutes with my assistant, my sis.
The next thing I knew, we were all putting on our costumes and prepared to go all out and battle with the dirt!!!( My sis was slipping in an apron , my mum was holding a duster and something that looked like Phua Chu Kang's hair. And me? I was topless, with a mopping stick in my hand and a pail of water). I mean, it was so surprising and sudden that it caught all of us off guard. Yea ...I have to bathe twice that NIGHT!!! Well what could I say??
Anyway, I just wanna share with you guys this story that I thought was funny. I am going to KL and staying with my sister for a whole week till 1st Jan. I am really looking forward to this exciting adventure and , finally, celebrating my Christmas in style!!!(Shopping for cool outfits involved!!! )
Happy C'mas to u guys and Merry Christmas!!!
Posted by DamienKok at 7:43 AM 2 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Weekends full of love.....or not....
Remember me bleating about being alone the whole holidays and spending my time dating my computer and stuff? Actually, it's quite fun and less torturing than I've imagined. So why would I say that, you asked, well staying at home with nobody else except for yourself is a tad interesting. It gives you time to do something like self-reflection, or maybe explore your life, search deep into your soul for something you've buried for a long time, like hobby, for instance.

Posted by DamienKok at 1:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Damienish