Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's all gonna b alrite!!!!!!

Empty house, homeworks, movies, flowers and computer were the only things my parents left for me while they were enjoying their fancy trip to KL with my sister. She's going to Sunway University College and i wish her all the best. JIA YOU JIE JIE!!!!!(haha...)Well I'm going to miss her and she's going to miss my mom's cooks. I hope she can adapt herslf to the new and strange environment there and probably make some friends (if she can , coz she's not really good at interecting and she knew that).

Well back to the main topic, i had to wake up early at seven and get myself ready to go to the fund raising thingy!!! It's St. John's annual Flag Day and we had to go to the resident area and BEG for some money. Thank goodness it's a rather fine weather that day. Not too hot nor too cold. We were seperated into a few groups and we started walking around and forcing the passers-by to donate some money. I swear one of them low -lives were staring and gave me a threatening look before i approach him. I knew he meant to kill us all if we ever dare to move a step closer to him. But well, i kept a knife inside my bag and it won't bother me to take it out and gave it a little swing .......haha.......and there's the best part of the day!!! I've got the chance to take a look INSIDE the most famous bungalow at Tmn Golf( u know...that dark and weird mansion with branches and hedge with a super cool kinda zoo thingy behind the house!!!!)

The dark and mysterious mansion I was talking about!!!

Well she, the wife of the owner of course(or not.......) gave us RM50 !!!!It's huge!!!!!I was so happy and thrilled and i did't put it into the donation box. I kept showing it off to my friends!!!!!! And there's the most embarassing moment .I asked the officer to drop me down at the KFC next to the stadium. And when i stepped out of the ambulance, I just walked straight and didn't looked back. I felt as if i'm awesomely cool and was a very nice ending for the day .But I was so wrong.........I was walking directly opposite to KFC !!!And the worse part of it was all my juniors ,a bunch of naive and stupid kids who sit at the back, startin to burst into laughter.I was so embarrassed and just turn around and walk( i don't think its a walk, i feel like i was flying) to KFC.

And when i got home ,I switched on the fan and spend a five hours in front of this stupid computer. Then i start my own blog. Well my URL is (i don't know if i actually has an URL yet....) .Feel free to drop by anytime u want. hahahaha.

And i was thinking about the original plan for the day. I was supposed to go to SP with Jake and watch a movie or sthg. But well there's some problem occured and the plan failed. Awww~~~~
Well i hope he's enjoying his day there and mayb we'll watch that movie the other time with Alex and Patty .

A cool and hot movie if you ask me!!!!(I think it's because of Megan Fox !!!I'm drooling!!!)


Unknown said...

Flag Day... How lame, we should like, have a Drag Day or something! Where all the male teachers come to school in drag!

DamienKok said...

Well then you had to dress like a drag too and i can't afford getting eye blindness for that.....(can't imagine u wearing lipstick....)