Ahh, marriage. Every girls' dream and every men's funeral( of coz except for a few who prefer a more stupid and sedentary life). It's not like I don't believe in it, just that I think everyone practically should make the most of their lives when they're still being youthful, partying and stuff, just don't hook up and hang around with the same girl all the time. Marriage is for, my opinion, older people who really, desperately want to spend the rest of their lives with THE ONE( after picking them from their past one-night-stand lists....) they love, soul partner.
Anyway, I've been to a wedding dinner last week and it was a party of pomp and pageantry. It's my mom's friend's daughter's wedding(complicated, I don't even know these people) .Everyone was enjoying themselves, except for me!!!! Of coarse, how can you make yourself comfortable when all the people who sit at the same table with you keep staring at you like your're an alien( like Lady Gaga), and not to mention, all of them were old!!!!( It's the consequence for leaving home late enough to attend a stupid wedding dinner)
Well, as it seemed that I can't get away with this, I'm just gonna indulge myself in the food. Food!!! Omg!!!Totally forgot bout that!!!Arrrggghhhh!!!I've never been to this restaurant before and I don't know the food standards here!!! I prayed hard that it's eadible and poison-free!!!!And thank Lord. My prayer answered!!!Actually , it's quite delicious, by my standard anyway. I'm just annoyed a tad by the fact that those old people need more nutrients and practically grabbed everything on the plate ,everything they can lay their chopsticks on, only leaving behind scraps of chicken skin and the vegie that used to decorate the food. And thought they said that the older one should make the younger priorities. Well,looking from a positive point of view, they do keep me on my diet tracks...........
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago